Module 1


Last Update a month ago

Welcome to the first module of Trakti's Academy for beginners.

In every module you will find a list of the topics that will be covered. Each topic when clicked opens a link to the guide to follow.

In this module we will be learning how to register in Trakti, set up your account and getting to know the main page and menu. In case you are familiar with these functions you can skip to Module 2.

So let's get started!


Main page: on the left-hand side you can see a grey stripe that can be enlarged to show the menu from the orange button in the top left corner. Open it. Here you can see the pages you need to access all the functions that Trakti offers. Let's check them out:

  1. Dashboard: Here you can have an immediate outlook at the status of your deals.
  2. My deals: Here you can find all the deals that are being negotiated.
  3. My contracts: This is where active contracts (deals you have agreed to or you have imported) end up.
  4. Models: Here are all the templates that you have created or imported.
  5. Workgroups: This is where you can find groups you have created or have been invited to. We will go over this section later on in the Academy.
  6. Contacts: Here you will find all the contacts you have added, imported or dealt with. We will go over this section later on in the Academy.
  7. Authorisations: All templates and changes that need your approval can be found here. We will go over this section later on in the Academy.

On the top right corner of all pages, there is an icon that lets you access a walkthrough guide (the i icon) anytime and the notification area (bell icon) where you can see invitations, alerts and updates. You also have a fast menu to access your profile info, upgrade plans and switch to a different profile/company in case you have many.

Congratulations! You have completed the first module of the Beginner's level. Now let's move on to the second one.

< Module 0                                                 Module 2 >

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