Archiving and restoring a contract


Last Update 10 months ago

During the year you can be in need to archive a Contract for several reasons. Trakti gives you the possibility to archive Contracts and also restore them very easily.

Please remember that the archive functionality can only be used for ACTIVE / PUBLISHED models!

To start archiving your model the first thing to do is to click on the My contracts section on the left navigation bar.

Then you will see your Contract repository. Select your Active Contract by clicking on the title.

Then click on the Archive button.

A popup will ask you if you want to archive the contract. Click on Yes archive it!

Your contract is now Archived.

In case you have to restore it for any reason the procedure is the following. Visit your contracts' repository. Select Advanced search (1) and then flag the Include archived contracts checkbox (2).

You will see the contract you archived. Now you can click on the Actions button and can click on the Un-archive button as shown in the image below.

Now your contract is restored.

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